Where does your food come from?  

The grocery store. The refrigerator. A restaurant.

All a “correct” answer, but how does our food get there?

The Food + Farm Exploration Center is here to teach everyone just how our food does make its way to us. For the younger learners, we will help teach them in a way that is most familiar to them, PLAY! Our lifelong learners will explore the same intersection of farming and food, the people who make it happen, and the processes that take it from field to fork through interactive exhibits.

Our exhibits take you on a journey from the fields all the way to your plate. Along the way, you will learn about the planting, harvesting, transportation, and even cooking process of our food. Stories will be told from the fields directly from the ones working in them.

After learning in the exhibit space, you can have a hands-on experience exploring agriculture. See the machines that bring your food to you, up close and personal in the Farm Tech Shed. Get your hands dirty in the Demonstration Fields. Take the knowledge you have learned and experience it for yourself.


Wisconsin Crop of the Month - Potatoes


Wisconsin Crop of the Month – Snap Beans