Become a Volunteer

To ensure that we are meeting the needs of our volunteer team, we are asking that you complete the questionnaire below so we can offer you the best possible volunteer experience.

  • Garden and Grounds Volunteer

    This position will bring you closer to Wisconsin agriculture than ever before and sow a deeper understanding of our way of life.

  • Gift bags on decorated table.

    Marketing & Communications Volunteer

    Help us expand our audience and introduce our mission to more people! This position is a creative and fun way to get involved.

  • School & Youth Group Volunteer

    This opportunity will involve assisting the education team in preparing for group arrivals, helping with activities, monitoring students in the exhibits, and helping reorganize and clean up.

  • Exhibit Volunteer

    This opportunity will greet visitors, monitor the exhibit areas, and facilitate visitor interaction and learning within the exhibits.

For more information contact the Guest Service Team at: