Tickets are based on timed entrance, there is no time limit to your visit. We encourage visitors to pre-purchase tickets online.
Adults $12
Seniors (age 60+) $11
Youth (age 12-17) $8
Child (age 3-11) $6
Infant/Toddler (under age 3) FREE
Active Military & Veteran (With Military ID) $6
Museums for All (with SNAP EBT card) $5
Interested in visiting with your group, club or association?
Let us enhance your experience.
Visitor Information
Looking for all the details to prepare for a perfect visit? Review our guidelines, accommodations, amenities plus helpful tips and tricks.
Photo Policy: Visitors may be included in photographs and videos while visiting Food + Farm Exploration Center. This content may be used publicly in promotional materials (i.e. print, online, and distributed to the media). If you wish to be excluded, please speak to our staff at the front desk.