What food comes from central Wisconsin?

Wisconsin is known as the “Dairy State”, but do you know about all the vegetables grown in Wisconsin? We ranked in the top 5 nationally for crop production for multiple crops. In 2022, Wisconsin ranked 1st in Snap Beans and Beets for canning production. Third in Potatoes, Carrots, Sweet Corn, and Peas production. In addition, Wisconsin produced the 4th most Cucumbers.

When you visit the exploration center, you will be able to see exactly where these crops are grown in Wisconsin. In our Wisconsin Farmers space, you will find our What’s Grown Here interactive exhibit. As you study the map of Wisconsin, you will find the different crops outside of the map. Simply touch the crop and you will see the map light up where the crop is grown. It will surprise you just how close to home these crops are grown.


Wisconsin Crop of the Month – Snap Beans


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