Workforce Wednesday: Meet an Agricultural Journalist

“There's a lot of information out there that I'm constantly gathering, and it’s amazing how much I learn every single day,” said Joe Kertzman, an agricultural journalist and Managing Editor of the Badger Common’Tater. 

The Common’Tater is the official magazine of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association. Kertzman has been the Managing Editor for six years, but he did not begin his career in agriculture.  

Kertzman primary responsibilities are to highlight the accomplishments of the potato and vegetable growers in Wisconsin, provide information to growers and report on agricultural news such as new technologies or research within the vegetable industry. 

Kertzman said his job is a lot of “listening, taking notes, writing stories and editing other people’s stories.” 

Kertzman earned a degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and spent 24 years in magazine publishing before becoming Managing Editor of the Common’Tater. Other than his degree, his training and skills development came from time spent in the industry.  

“You don't need to be an expert when you're in journalism or as a magazine editor,” Kertzman said. “You just need to listen to the experts and report what they say accurately.” 

Kertzman said he did not have a background in agriculture, but that has not prohibited him from succeeding in his role. 

“I think I am decent at taking good notes and telling their story. It's difficult sometimes to understand the ins and outs when you're not a farmer,” Kertzman said. “I don't think you can ever be an expert in that field or know what the farmers know unless you farm, and I do not farm.”.  

He has overcome the challenge of not knowing everything about the industry by learning to ask the right questions and find the right sources to provide expert information. He then helps pass on that understanding to his readers who also may not farm. 

“So, I provide helpful, interesting information,” he said. “If I do that, then I'm doing my job and spreading the word about how incredible farming is.” 

Kertzman said he really enjoys the role of Managing Editor and working as a journalist within the agricultural industry.  

“I really do enjoy my job and I know it sounds like a cliche, but I learn so much every day,” he said. “It never gets boring. Plus, I love to read and write, and I have a creative slant too. I use all those skills, so I'm lucky." 

Kertzman’s position allows him the opportunity to perform a variety of tasks to meet publication requirements. He is able to connect with people and tell their stories, but he’s also able to work with designers and sell advertisements to support the publication as well.  

“I'm having fun, and I feel privileged to get to know and represent my neighbors,” Kertzman said. “I think that the most important part is that growers are businesspeople, people who work with university researchers, who work with legislators, leaders who are growing food to feed the world, and I get to report on that." 

 What is a lesson that you learned later into your career that you would have liked to have known on day 1? 

Listen and learn. Don't pretend to know something you don't know and never try to impress people. Just be you and report the facts as they are presented.


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