Spring into learning: FFTFF launches education pilot program

Farming for the Future Foundation is proud to announce the launch of our educational curriculum pilot program. Education Program Manager Jenn Scott said the lessons are designed to help students realize their own connection to agriculture and expand upon it. 

“The largest impact that we can have with this pilot program is influencing students to understand that they themselves are connected to agriculture, even if they may not think so,” Scott said. “The food they eat, the clothes they wear, and many of the products that they use in everyday life are produced on a farm.” 

Five fourth grade teachers across the state are now utilizing the lessons with their students. Lessons are aligned with state standards and provide a foundation for where food comes from and the science behind it. 

We want to thank the following teachers for participating in the pilot program:

Ashley Kommer, St. Peter’s Elementary, said she is most excited to implement the lessons in her classroom because she believes “it is important for our students to know where our food comes from.” 

“I am hoping that all students, regardless of if they have farming in their family or not, will have a basis of where their food comes from and how important agriculture is,” Kommer said. 

Jessica Rettler, Tri-County Elementary School, said she’s looking forward to implementing the “diverse lessons” into her curriculum. 

“I hope my students will have a better understanding of crop production, background knowledge on many of the careers related to agribusiness, the economic impact of agriculture in Wisconsin, and be able to talk with their families about how produce gets from the farm to their table,” Rettler said. 

Teachers will pilot up to six lessons through the end of this school year and will provide feedback to the Foundation for further curriculum development and wider implementation. Scott said the pilot program is still looking for additional teachers to take part in the pilot. The pilot program is open to fourth grade teachers across Wisconsin.


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