Partnering for Education

We believe that our mission plays an important role in the future of our youth and agriculture- locally and globally.

Be a field trip sponsor.

Each year it costs $750,000 to fund our field trip program.

Each field trip Can include the following expenses:

  • Open exploration time

  • 1-2 facilitated workshops (Dig-Ins)

  • Demonstration plot field tours (summer)

  • Educational programming and staffing

  • Healthy snack

  • Come Back Again FREE admission pass for all students

Contribute Today!

  • Your contribution of $3,000 will sponsor the cost of one field trip and keeps school costs low.

  • Maximize your impact by bundling your contribution and sponsor four field trips for $10,000. The remaining $2,000 will be matched by an anonymous donor.

Field trip sponsors will be recognized with the following benefits:

  • Prominent signage with name recognition.

  • Verbal name recognition in the exploration center foyer before field trip.

  • Name recognition on the exploration center website.

  • Name recognition, when applicable, on social media.

  • Post field trip proof of performance recap.

Gifts may be made online, in person or via mail.

Checks can be sent to: Food & Farm Exploration Center, 3400 Innovation Drive, Plover, WI 54467.

Gifts to the exploration center are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Learn more about our appeal here. Please contact our donor development team at to learn more about how your support can make a difference.